
“Jesus would indeed conquer, save, deliver… yet, not by waging war, but by making peace, a peace that would be won by the price of his own life-blood.”

‘…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.’ MARK 10:43

Christ did not come to wage war but to give up His life to save others.

Christians are not called to war but to service to others.

Welcome to my site.

I use it as a place to post my thoughts, the stories of the games I play and some of my photo’s.

If you like it subscribe or comment.

Hope you like it

All pictures are Copyright to me C Brann


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15 responses to “Home

  1. Chris, Thanks for liking my story and also for following my blog.
    I’m also following you! Blessings!


  2. Great blog here. Keep it up!!


  3. Good site Chris – am still a blogging novice myself


    • Hi Ian,
      Even though I have been doing this for a while I would not say I was a expert.
      Just find it useful to share some of what I do and it gives me a outlet which I do not have any other way.
      Unlike most blogs mine is rather mixed hobby, Faith and life in general, also a god place to share photo’s when I get out to take some.
      keep yours up I have enjoyed it so far, would love more of your insights to films as well


  4. Pastor Roland Ledoux

    Love what I see so far and am always looking for more inspiration where ever the Holy Spirit leads. Just a word of encouragement (I read your About page), I am on disability also and with a few different medical conditions. I was very active in church most of my life since the age of 17 (am 60 now), but it was a few years ago when I got my first computer (okay, more than a few) and I found many, many people online who were hungry for the Word of God, given in Truth and Love, hungry for someone to care, to pray and so forth and even though I discovered this BEFORE my disability, the Lord had me through the leading of His Holy Spirit to start ministering, first with a website, eventually with a community forum and so on.
    These were brothers and sisters that the “brick and mortar” churches had abandoned because they couldn’t get to church on their own. The Lord has really opened up the internet to the point where now it is just no longer those on disability, but even healthy Christians, looking for inspiration, motivation, compassion, kindness and Love AND Truth in teaching the Word of God.
    My word to you Chris, is don’t give up what the Holy Spirit has placed in front of you, but don’t fail to see other possibilities of ministry right in front of you either! I have never been so blessed in all my life of serving (ministry) as I have the times I have followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit to minister encouragement and inspiration to someone I may never meet this side of Heaven!
    I’m new to blogging, but the Lord has shown me it is just a new and viable way to get His message out. We can’t let the enemy completely control everything, so we can make a stand here just as well!!
    Sorry to get so preachy, it’s the nature of the beast though I love to teach more! I’ll be looking forward to reading your posts and I’m following you as I can ALWAYS use more inspiration!!
    God bless you in ALL your endeavors to follow after Him!!


  5. theprodigalthinker

    Nice start, this is the first post I’ve seen and I like it!!!


  6. Hi sir Chris, I’m so sorry for deleting the reblogged blog of “I Almost Gave Up.” I’m navigating from my phone and some features have changed. When u thought I was accepting your comment via moderation, I ended up pressing the flag icon. I don’t know what that means.

    My computer isn’t working, but if you want to reinstall my blog post, you have my permission. If so, thank you again for choosing that post to help and inspire others. God’s blessing and may He multiple His grace and favor upon you.

    In Christ,


  7. Thanks for liking my blog. Pray for us as we are based in the UK. I have a daughter with a chronic kidney condition. We need funding to develop our ministry too. Bless you


  8. Chris, you are an encouragement. Thankyou for feedback on the blog. Repost whatever you want. If you want direct contact please contact me via email. russelldurose@yahoo.com. Ok?


  9. This is a very informative and Useful post and help me out to get all valuable information regarding this topic. Great work


  10. Dear Ambassador of God, Greetings from India in Jesus our Lord,.
    Could you please pray for the salvation of the perishing souls in India?
    Thanking You
    Your Servant for Jesus our Lord


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